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​​Feel free to browse and read content written and shared by our members;
also weekly news sheets, missionary prayer letters, sermon texts,
Bible studies & children's material.​

Dec 5, 2020
John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus.
What happened when they met by the river? Lets look at the story together. The book of Mark is in the New Testament. Find it and read...

Nov 27, 2020
Christmas is coming, Advent 1.
Today we enter the season of Advent, when we look forward to the birth of Jesus. Today we will learn about the birth of his cousin John....

Nov 20, 2020
Sheep or goat - which one are you?
Jesus tells another parable, this one about sheep and goats.

Nov 14, 2020
Using the talents God has given you for His glory.
This week there are 2 alternatives for children’s church, online or in person at 4pm at St James’. Call Jenelle to book in.

Nov 6, 2020
Jesus used stories to help us learn things.
These stories are called parables. This week we look at the parable of the 10 bridesmaids.

Oct 31, 2020
A busy week in the church calendar.
Did you know we have a special church calendar? It helps us remember special events that have happened in the past. This weekend we...

Oct 23, 2020
Jesus heals a man born blind
Lets start with the story - straight from the Bible, Gods own word. Feel like singing? OK, sing along with this We hope you enjoyed this...

Oct 16, 2020
Jesus raises Lazarus
Jesus did many miracles and healed many people. Lazarus was a good friend of Jesus who died and Jesus brought him back to life. Find out...

Oct 9, 2020
Lots of hungry people and not one take-away shop around!
See how Jesus feeds them all So Jesus filled all those empty stomachs. He can fill our spiritual needs today too. Why not play the song...

Oct 2, 2020
Jesus walks on water.
This week we continue our series looking at some of the amazing things Jesus did. We know that Jesus still does amazing things and is...

Sep 13, 2020
Jesus heals a nobleman’s son.
Today we read the story of how Jesus was able to heal the nobleman’ son. Here are some activities to do. Join in this song.

Sep 5, 2020
More miracles
Jesus did many things when he walked on earth. These miracles showed that he was more than just an ordinary man. Now let us see whAt we...

Aug 30, 2020
A late night visitor
This week we are looking at a story Jesus told about a late night visitor. This story reminds us that we need to keep asking a God and...

Aug 21, 2020
David, a young boy defeated a great warrior and became a great King. What a Superhero!
Sing along with this weeks song about David

Aug 15, 2020
Moses, what a man , what a life.
This week we continue our superhero series looking at Moses. He had a long life and many adventures following God.

Aug 7, 2020
Today we see how Joseph became a Super Hero
Joseph was an ordinary child in an ordinary family, just like you! Yet he became a Super Hero. Lets find out what he did and how he...

Aug 1, 2020
Bible Superhero- Abraham
Abraham is an important figure in the Old testament and the story of God's people. Find out how he became a superhero and see if you can...

Jul 25, 2020
Peter preaches to the world.
This week we are going to look at a time when Peter preached to people from all over the world. And now some fun things to make and do....

Jul 18, 2020
Phillip makes a friend for Jesus on a road trip.
This week we have included some activities to read and do about Phillip and his meeting with a man from Ethiopia. We have also included a...
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