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Aug 19, 2020
Joy Mingled with Pain and Sorrow
By Les Henson. Why is it that whatever we attempted to do in life that is real, meaningful and worthwhile always comes at a cost? The...

Aug 19, 2020
The Shout for Joy
By Les Henson Psalm 65: 1-8 Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion; and to you shall vows be performed, 2 O you who answer prayer! To you...

Aug 15, 2020
Moses, what a man , what a life.
This week we continue our superhero series looking at Moses. He had a long life and many adventures following God.

Aug 14, 2020
Take Away the Heart of Stone
By Ambrose of Milan. O Lord, who hast mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of thy Holy Spirit....

Aug 11, 2020
The Ever-Changing Rhythms of Life (Poem)
By Les Henson. The sky is blue the sun is shining quietly the wind blows the clouds slowly across the ever-changing sky the brightness is...

Aug 11, 2020
Faith Does Not Always Come Easily
By Les Henson. For many people, faith doesn’t come easily. It is a constant struggle to believe, follow and trust. Yet, that doesn’t...

Aug 11, 2020
The Money Trap
By Les Henson. 1 Timothy 6: 6-10 (NRSV) 6 Of course, there is great gain in godliness combined with contentment; 7 for we brought nothing...

Aug 11, 2020
A Granddaughter’s Reflection
By J. The year was 2012, and it hadn't been long since I came back from America having gone to church for the first time, now wondering...

Aug 7, 2020
Today we see how Joseph became a Super Hero
Joseph was an ordinary child in an ordinary family, just like you! Yet he became a Super Hero. Lets find out what he did and how he...

Aug 7, 2020
The Church and Individualism
By Les Henson. Seriously embedded in Western society and worldview is the concept of ‘individualism'. The autonomous ‘individual’ is...

Aug 4, 2020
Life’s Pilgrimage
By Les Henson. Eugene H. Peterson said, “the life of faith isn’t meant for tourists. It’s meant for pilgrims.” Following Jesus along the...

Aug 4, 2020
No Easy Road
By Les Henson Acts 9: 20-31 (NRSV) 20 and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is the Son of God.”...

Aug 4, 2020
Mighty Saviour (Poem)
By Margaret Rossi. We are living through times of trouble and many precious lives we’ve lost. We must look to our Mighty Saviour, for us...

Aug 4, 2020
Devotion on Psalm 63: Thirsting for God
By J. Imagine yourself in a dry and weary pandemic lockdown, thirsty for a sip of quenching hope. Perhaps no imagination is needed. Now...

Aug 1, 2020
Bible Superhero- Abraham
Abraham is an important figure in the Old testament and the story of God's people. Find out how he became a superhero and see if you can...
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