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​​Feel free to browse and read content written and shared by our members;
also weekly news sheets, missionary prayer letters, sermon texts,
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Jun 5, 2020
What should I confess?
By J. Have you ever come to a time of confession only to find your mind blank? 1 John 1:8-9 says, "If we claim to be without sin, we...

Jun 4, 2020
Relational Communities
By Les Henson. Relationship is a central value of a missional church community without which you have neither community nor mission. I...

Jun 4, 2020
Crazy World (Poem)
By Les Henson. The world is crazy and all screwed up Without any sense of direction. Human beings long for freedom Creating bondage...

Jun 4, 2020
The Foundational Narrative
By Les Henson There is a whole generation of Christian people in the church and on its fringe, who don't have a basic understanding of...

May 29, 2020
Crossing Barriers
By Les Henson. The word ‘mission’ or ‘missio’ in Latin means sending, and sending implies the crossing of barriers. So, what are the...

May 28, 2020
It's the church's birthday-Pentecost !
This week we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. A time to celebrate and rejoice. Here are some fun things to do. And...

May 27, 2020
A Love Story
BY J. I have heard people say, "The Bible is a love letter God has written to you", and this is true to an extent, but we shouldn't get...

May 27, 2020
Prayer of Confession and Justice for Immigrants
By Les Henson. Heavenly Father, you sent Abraham out in search of a land that you promised to give him, and he became a wandering...

May 27, 2020
An Ordinary Man
By Les Henson. In Acts 4:13 we read, "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men,...

May 23, 2020
Jesus ascends into heaven.
This week we remember when Jesus went back to heaven to wait for us to join him. We call this ascension. This week we have a story,...

May 20, 2020
What Does It Mean to Have the Mind of Christ?
By Les Henson. What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? At the very least, it means that Christ and his lordship imprint every...

May 20, 2020
Grace in the Old Testament
By Barry Wilkins. We think of grace as a New Testament word; a 'new covenant of grace' in which God's central act of grace is the cross...

May 20, 2020
Chicken Soup for the Spirit
By J. The autumn sun was only weak, but I decided the light from the north-facing window of the bedroom allowed me to be warmer than any...

May 16, 2020
Talking to God.
This week we are going to focus on talking to God. We have a song to sing and a prayer scavenger hunt. It would be lovely if you could...
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