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Dec 14, 2019
An Unusual Heroine
Take a moment to read what Mary the mother of Jesus exclaims during her pregnancy, a poem often referred to as the Magnificat: “My soul...

Dec 7, 2019
How high do you view Jesus?
Here's a reflection written by our area Bishop Paul Barker that I found very helpful for my reflections on the identity of Jesus this...

Nov 30, 2019
Preach To Yourself
What do you do when you feel down and discouraged? Do you listen to yourself or do you preach to yourself? Martyn Lloyd-Jones writes in...

Nov 23, 2019
Get In Order To Give
John Piper writes, "There are three levels of how to live with material things: (1) you can steal to get them; (2) or you can work to get...

Sep 6, 2019
The Pursuit of Distraction
Have you noticed that people in our society are constantly in pursuit of distraction? They're seeking the next best movie, the brand new...

Aug 31, 2019
Guilt and Shame
What's the difference between guilt and shame? Guilt is an objective truth. Shame is a subjective personal experience. Sometimes shame is...

Jul 13, 2019
"Respectable" Idols
Once the word "idol" meant to me mostly the image of a carved statue worshipped in foreign religions. But since the days of American Idol...

Jul 5, 2019
It's a Love Story
This week I was musing about why I found it very satisfying that Ron and Hermione finally get together at the end of the Harry Potter...

Jun 26, 2019
Two Ways to Read Esther
The story of Esther in the Bible has been captivating to Christians over many generations - I just think of how many Christian women I...

Jun 19, 2019
Look at the Mountains
We were driving home, I was exhausted physically and mentally. And as we drove over a crest on Mt Dandenong Rd, I saw the silhouette of...

Jun 14, 2019
Truely Rest
Recently I've been very busy... but only on the outside. Strangely I've felt quite restful inside - something that would have been...

Jun 7, 2019
But God Meant it for Good
When Joseph had become the prime minister in Egypt managing the food distribution during a time of famine, he said to his brothers who...

May 29, 2019
Listening Takes Effort
Have you ever felt lonely, left out, an outsider? What happened as a result? This was one of the topics of discussion at the Parish...

May 22, 2019
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
Last week Leroy mentioned that he was inspired by the talks on the Beatitudes at the regional clergy conference. Here's one Beatitude for...

May 17, 2019
The World's Problems
In the leadup to the election in the past week I've noticed that some people think that the answer to the world's problems is a political...
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