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How high do you view Jesus?

Photo by Zach Angelo from Unsplash

Here's a reflection written by our area Bishop Paul Barker that I found very helpful for my reflections on the identity of Jesus this Advent: 

"I was preaching recently on the ten lepers healed by Jesus (Luke 17:11-19), and the one who returned to give thanks. But I noticed as I prepared how that healed leper not simply gives thanks, but actually sees God in Jesus, praising God by falling at Jesus’ feet. I guess we often see that episode as a reminder to be thankful. But how much more it is in fact – the worship of the man Jesus. How astonishingly profound. Then I preached a week ago on the thief on the cross, a set reading for the day (Luke 23:32-43). When he says to Jesus, ‘Remember me when you come into your kingdom’, how profound, that somehow he thought not only that Jesus was innocent, but that Jesus even in dying on a cross remained king. Both passages reminded me again of the high, highest, view of Jesus, his full divinity, his enduring kingship. How important our Christology is, and I hope and pray this Christmas that the worship of Jesus with thanksgiving is central to your celebration of Christmas." 

(Verse references added.)


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