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How Many Prayers?

By J.

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Foreword: These prayers are fictional but based on my true experiences. I hope they help you give praise to God for the way he uses many people and their prayers to bring one sinner to salvation. And I hope they encourage you to keep praying for those around you who are yet to acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.


Helen: Lord, I pray for J the international student from Australia who came to the prayer meeting tonight even though she isn’t a Christian. I trust your purposes, but I do wonder why you brought her along only to have her in tears because she was offended by our desire to share your Gospel with people of other cultures. Oh Father, open her eyes to see how much the peoples of this world need the Gospel. And how much she needs it too. Please bring her to church again despite today.


Joanne: Dear God, thank you that J has been coming to all the events at church and even helping out. I guess I am a little frustrated that whenever I think she is convinced, my hopes are dashed when she says something like, “I think God exists, but only in the minds of those people who want to believe he exists.” Forgive me when I think her salvation depends on my intelligence or smooth arguments instead of your grace. God give me the persistence to keep praying for her and to keep trusting that You are in control. I do believe, help my unbelief!


Gina: Lord, what are you doing? I am so perplexed about J. I thought that you had brought her to faith when she came forward after the pastor’s invitation for people to receive Christ this Easter. But when I prayed with her, it was clear she didn’t know you or understand the Gospel at all. Lord, give me the wisdom to respond sensitively to this situation and give me the right words! I don’t want her to have a false sense of salvation, but please Abba Father, don’t let her be discouraged from seeking you altogether because of this.


Jenny: I pray for J as she goes back to Australia, please provide a church for her to go to so she can keep learning about you and place her faith in you.


Jaya: Heavenly God, I pray for my friend J, who is struggling to believe you exist. Answer her prayers, show yourself to her. May your presence become very real to her.


Kirrily: Father, thank you for the privilege of seeing you at work in J. She has come such a long way in reading the bible, praying and believing you exist. But Father, I do pray that you will help her to put the pieces together concerning her need to trust in Christ and his death for her sins.


Andy: Father, thank you that one person took up the offer to do bible study while we’re here at the maths summer school. And she’s not even a Christian! You do like to surprise me! Father, why did she burst into tears when I asked her to accept Christ? Please remove this barrier in her heart whatever it may be.


Mary: Father, thank you so much that J is getting baptised in the same month that I am! Thank you for this unlikely friendship and that we have been able to walk this journey of faith together these past two years. I wish Australia were not so far away from California!


J: Lord, I have no idea how many people have prayed for my salvation, but thank you for using them to bring me to see my own sin and trust in Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Please use my prayers for others to know this same joy.


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