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Jesus is coming, Hooray !

This week we celebrate Palm Sunday. You may remember that last year we made palm hats and paraded through the church. Perhaps this year you would like to parade around the house or garden to celebrate Jesus going into Jerusalem.

First watch this video of the bible story.

Now gather some craft materials. You will need paper, preferably green, scissors, textas or pencils.

Draw around your own hand on the green paper to make a palm leaf. You might like to draw around other people’s too. Cut out all the palms to make leaves.

Write some words to do with Palm Sunday on the palms. Suggestions are: Hosanna, Jesus calls us to love and serve one another,

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

You might like to stick you palms up on the wall near a door to remember that Jesus is coming.


Sing and dance to this song

Here is another song you might like to practise to sing on Easter Friday.

And another craft for Palm Sunday from Nikki.


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