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Justice and Peace (Hymn)

By Margaret Rossi.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Brothers and sisters of the world unite. Let’s join together in our Father’s sight. We’re all God’s children let us seek the dawn, Justice and peace for all, a bright brand new morn. Too long we’ve walked on in judgment or fear, Let’s see the changes that start from this year. Pray to the Father to unite us all, Aim for a time when all people stand tall. True love and fellowship, all part of God’s plan, Working together in His chosen land. God gave us free will, so let us choose right, Justice and peace will be found in God’s sight. Words by Margaret Rossi…..5th June 2020. Sung to “Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart” Music by Mary Elizabeth Byrne 1880-1931 versified by Eleanor Hull 1860-1935 alt.


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