We were driving home, I was exhausted physically and mentally. And as we drove over a crest on Mt Dandenong Rd, I saw the silhouette of the mountains in the distance. Gazing at the grand scale of the mountains, immediately I felt less burdened... but why? As I pondered the mysterious effect of seeing the mountains I was reminded of Psalm 121:1-2 which says, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Perhaps the psalmist had felt what I felt in that moment. The size of the mountain reminded me just how much bigger than me was the world, and how much bigger than the world was my God. When a photo of a galaxy can be contained on the tiny screen background on my smartphone, how easy it is for me to get an inflated sense of my own significance! And I start to think that I'm in the place of God, that I need to be the solution to the world's brokenness. No wonder my fatigue overwhelmed me. Thank God (literally) that there is a real God out there that actually has power, love and wisdom enough to solve the world's brokenness. And he did so by sending Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. Why don't you join me this week in looking away from your screen to look at the mountains or the real galaxies and confess before God "sorry that I thought of myself in your place; I take hold of the forgiveness offered through Christ. You are truly God!" Amen.